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    What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed?

    Module:Color contrast: Difference between revisions

    fix unintended color2lum global error which is causing errors; clean whitespace
    m 1 revision imported: Templates
    (No difference)

    Latest revision as of 22:38, 9 June 2021

    Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Color contrast/doc

    -- This module implements
    --  {{Color contrast ratio}}
    --  {{Greater color contrast ratio}}
    --  {{ColorToLum}}
    --  {{RGBColorToLum}}
    local p = {}
    local HTMLcolor = mw.loadData( 'Module:Color contrast/colors' )
    local function sRGB (v)
    	if (v <= 0.03928) then
    		v = v / 12.92
    		v = math.pow((v+0.055)/1.055, 2.4)
    	return v
    local function rgbdec2lum(R, G, B)
    	if ( 0 <= R and R < 256 and 0 <= G and G < 256 and 0 <= B and B < 256 ) then
    		return 0.2126 * sRGB(R/255) + 0.7152 * sRGB(G/255) + 0.0722 * sRGB(B/255)
    		return ''
    local function hsl2lum(h, s, l)
    	if ( 0 <= h and h < 360 and 0 <= s and s <= 1 and 0 <= l and l <= 1 ) then
    		local c = (1 - math.abs(2*l - 1))*s
    		local x = c*(1 - math.abs( math.fmod(h/60, 2) - 1) )
    		local m = l - c/2
    		local r, g, b = m, m, m
    		if( 0 <= h and h < 60 ) then
    			r = r + c
    			g = g + x
    		elseif( 60 <= h and h < 120 ) then
    			r = r + x
    			g = g + c
    		elseif( 120 <= h and h < 180 ) then
    			g = g + c
    			b = b + x
    		elseif( 180 <= h and h < 240 ) then
    			g = g + x
    			b = b + c
    		elseif( 240 <= h and h < 300 ) then
    			r = r + x
    			b = b + c
    		elseif( 300 <= h and h < 360 ) then
    			r = r + c
    			b = b + x
    		return rgbdec2lum(255*r, 255*g, 255*b)
    		return ''
    local function color2lum(c)
    	if (c == nil) then
    		return ''
    	-- html '#' entity
    	c = c:gsub("&#35;", "#")
    	-- whitespace
    	c = c:match( '^%s*(.-)[%s;]*$' )
    	-- unstrip nowiki strip markers
    	c = mw.text.unstripNoWiki(c)
    	-- lowercase
    	c = c:lower()
    	-- first try to look it up
    	local L = HTMLcolor[c]
    	if (L ~= nil) then
    		return L
    	-- convert from hsl
    	if mw.ustring.match(c,'^hsl%([%s]*[0-9][0-9%.]*[%s]*,[%s]*[0-9][0-9%.]*%%[%s]*,[%s]*[0-9][0-9%.]*%%[%s]*%)$') then
    		local h, s, l = mw.ustring.match(c,'^hsl%([%s]*([0-9][0-9%.]*)[%s]*,[%s]*([0-9][0-9%.]*)%%[%s]*,[%s]*([0-9][0-9%.]*)%%[%s]*%)$')
    		return hsl2lum(tonumber(h), tonumber(s)/100, tonumber(l)/100)
    	-- convert from rgb
    	if mw.ustring.match(c,'^rgb%([%s]*[0-9][0-9]*[%s]*,[%s]*[0-9][0-9]*[%s]*,[%s]*[0-9][0-9]*[%s]*%)$') then
    		local R, G, B = mw.ustring.match(c,'^rgb%([%s]*([0-9][0-9]*)[%s]*,[%s]*([0-9][0-9]*)[%s]*,[%s]*([0-9][0-9]*)[%s]*%)$')
    		return rgbdec2lum(tonumber(R), tonumber(G), tonumber(B))
    	-- convert from rgb percent
    	if mw.ustring.match(c,'^rgb%([%s]*[0-9][0-9%.]*%%[%s]*,[%s]*[0-9][0-9%.]*%%[%s]*,[%s]*[0-9][0-9%.]*%%[%s]*%)$') then
    		local R, G, B = mw.ustring.match(c,'^rgb%([%s]*([0-9][0-9%.]*)%%[%s]*,[%s]*([0-9][0-9%.]*)%%[%s]*,[%s]*([0-9][0-9%.]*)%%[%s]*%)$')
    		return rgbdec2lum(255*tonumber(R)/100, 255*tonumber(G)/100, 255*tonumber(B)/100)
    	-- remove leading # (if there is one) and whitespace
    	c = mw.ustring.match(c, '^[%s#]*([a-f0-9]*)[%s]*$')
    	-- split into rgb
    	local cs = mw.text.split(c or '', '')
    	if( #cs == 6 ) then
    		local R = 16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[1]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[2])
    		local G = 16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[3]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[4])
    		local B = 16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[5]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[6])
    		return rgbdec2lum(R, G, B)
    	elseif ( #cs == 3 ) then
    		local R = 16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[1]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[1])
    		local G = 16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[2]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[2])
    		local B = 16*tonumber('0x' .. cs[3]) + tonumber('0x' .. cs[3])
    		return rgbdec2lum(R, G, B)
    	-- failure, return blank
    	return ''
    -- This exports the function for use in other modules.
    -- The colour is passed as a string.
    function p._lum(color)
    	return color2lum(color)
    function p._greatercontrast(args)
    	local bias = tonumber(args['bias'] or '0') or 0
    	local css = (args['css'] and args['css'] ~= '') and true or false
    	local v1 = color2lum(args[1] or '')
    	local c2 = args[2] or '#FFFFFF'
    	local v2 = color2lum(c2)
    	local c3 = args[3] or '#000000'
    	local v3 = color2lum(c3)
    	local ratio1 = -1;
    	local ratio2 = -1;
    	if (type(v1) == 'number' and type(v2) == 'number') then
    		ratio1 = (v2 + 0.05)/(v1 + 0.05)
    		ratio1 = (ratio1 < 1) and 1/ratio1 or ratio1
    	if (type(v1) == 'number' and type(v3) == 'number') then
    		ratio2 = (v3 + 0.05)/(v1 + 0.05)
    		ratio2 = (ratio2 < 1) and 1/ratio2 or ratio2
    	if css then
    		local c1 = args[1] or ''
    		if mw.ustring.match(c1, '^[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9]$') or
    			mw.ustring.match(c1, '^[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9]$') then
    				c1 = '#' .. c1
    		if mw.ustring.match(c2, '^[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9]$') or
    			mw.ustring.match(c2, '^[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9]$') then
    				c2 = '#' .. c2
    		if mw.ustring.match(v3, '^[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9]$') or
    			mw.ustring.match(v3, '^[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9]$') then
    				c3 = '#' .. c3
    		return 'background-color:' .. c1 .. '; color:' .. ((ratio1 > 0) and (ratio2 > 0) and ((ratio1 + bias > ratio2) and c2 or c3) or '') .. ';'
    	return (ratio1 > 0) and (ratio2 > 0) and ((ratio1 + bias > ratio2) and c2 or c3) or ''
    function p._ratio(args)
    	local v1 = color2lum(args[1])
    	local v2 = color2lum(args[2])
    	if (type(v1) == 'number' and type(v2) == 'number') then
    		-- v1 should be the brighter of the two.
    		if v2 > v1 then
    			v1, v2 = v2, v1
    		return (v1 + 0.05)/(v2 + 0.05)
    		return args['error'] or '?'
    function p._styleratio(args)
    	local style = (args[1] or ''):lower()
    	local bg, fg = 'white', 'black'
    	local lum_bg, lum_fg = 1, 0
    	if args[2] then
    		local lum = color2lum(args[2])
    		if lum ~= '' then bg, lum_bg = args[2], lum end
    	if args[3] then
    		local lum = color2lum(args[3])
    		if lum ~= '' then fg, lum_fg = args[3], lum end
    	local slist = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(style or '', '&#[Xx]23;', '#'), '&#35;', '#'), ';')
    	for k = 1,#slist do
    		local s = slist[k]
    		local k,v = s:match( '^[%s]*([^:]-):([^:]-)[%s;]*$' )
    		k = k or ''
    		v = v or ''
    		if (k:match('^[%s]*(background)[%s]*$') or k:match('^[%s]*(background%-color)[%s]*$')) then
    			local lum = color2lum(v)
    			if( lum ~= '' ) then bg, lum_bg = v, lum end
    		elseif (k:match('^[%s]*(color)[%s]*$')) then
    			local lum = color2lum(v)
    			if( lum ~= '' ) then bg, lum_fg = v, lum end
    	if lum_bg > lum_fg then
    		return (lum_bg + 0.05)/(lum_fg + 0.05)
    		return (lum_fg + 0.05)/(lum_bg + 0.05)
    Use {{#invoke:Color contrast|somecolor}} directly or
    {{#invoke:Color contrast}} from a wrapper template.
    	-- |1=	— required; A color to check.
    function p.lum(frame)
    	local color = frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1]
    	return p._lum(color)
    function p.ratio(frame)
    	local args = frame.args[1] and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
    	return p._ratio(args)
    function p.styleratio(frame)
    	local args = frame.args[1] and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
    	return p._styleratio(args)
    function p.greatercontrast(frame)
    	local args = frame.args[1] and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
    	return p._greatercontrast(args)
    return p
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