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    [[Mark Herman]]
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    [[Jane Espenson]]|original_release = Theatrical|format = 1x106 minute feature film|chapter = [[Chapter Three]]|nNthReleasedInSeries = 376|aPrevReleasedInSeries = The New Empire (serial)|sSeries = Doctor Who|aNextReleasedInSeries = The Doomsday Cannon (serial)|nNthReleasedInAll = 535|aPrevReleasedInAll = Tijd Krijger (episode)|aNextReleasedInAll = The Tides of Change (serial)|image1 = DWVI poster.jpg|image2 = DWVITC.png}}{{Realworld}}{{Movies}}''"He's Back!"''
    [[Jane Espenson]]|original_release = Theatrical|format = 1x106 minute feature film|chapter = [[Chapter Three]]|nNthReleasedInSeries = 376|aPrevReleasedInSeries = The New Empire (serial)|sSeries = Doctor Who|aNextReleasedInSeries = The Doomsday Cannon (serial)|nNthReleasedInAll = 535|aPrevReleasedInAll = Het Ruimtestation (episode)|aNextReleasedInAll = The Tides of Change (serial)|image1 = DWVI poster.jpg|image2 = DWVITC.png}}{{Realworld}}{{Movies}}''"He's Back!"''

    '''Doctor Who: Until the World Ends''' was the sixth feature film in the Doctor Who motion picture franchise, produced by [[Paramount Pictures]] and [[BBC Films]]. It was released on 16 November 2018.
    '''Doctor Who: Until the World Ends''' was the sixth feature film in the Doctor Who motion picture franchise, produced by [[Paramount Pictures]] and [[BBC Films]]. It was released on 16 November 2018.

    Revision as of 15:26, 23 December 2020

    The following article is written from an Out of Universe perspective.

    "He's Back!"

    Doctor Who: Until the World Ends was the sixth feature film in the Doctor Who motion picture franchise, produced by Paramount Pictures and BBC Films. It was released on 16 November 2018.

    The film starred returning Doctor, Paterson Joseph, and new companion, Rosalyn Clyne, played by Felicity Jones. It also featured the return of Angela Jensen, in Jacqueline Pearce's last acting role before her death in September 2018, as well as Michael Hogan as the Rani and Gillian Anderson as Caitrin Ryan.


    On the day of Angela's last day in office, the Daleks launch a full-scale attack on the planet Earth. With the Doctor already there, to say goodbye to his dearest friend, he teams up with Downing Street staffer, Rosalyn Clyne, to prevent the Daleks' Invasion of Britain!


    Rosalyn Clyne wakes up and gets ready for work. TV in the background is on the news with a reporter talking about Angela Jensen and the transition of power to Barbara Deaconsfield. The headline on the screen reads: “Britain’s Prime Minister’s Final Day in Office”. A caption is overlaid over events saying: “London, 2012”.

    Rosalyn makes her way into the rear entrance of Downing Street, flashing her pass at the guard, making it clear that she’s the PM’s Senior Advisor. She enters to find a casual celebration going on, as all the staff wish the Prime Minister goodbye, as Rosalyn moves through the building to see Angela Jensen, full of smiles and laughter, standing in the centre of the hall. A wheezing groaning noise is heard, faintly in the background, and Angela reacts, beaming, as she tells Rosalyn if she could look after things for a bit, as there’s something she has to attend to. Rosalyn says no worries, as Angela walks off down the hall. 

    Rosalyn mingles with the Downing Street staff, as the celebrations go on, before Angela returns, accompanied by the Twelfth Doctor, plastered with a smile all over his face. Angela introduces him to Rosalyn, saying that he’s a very dear personal friend of hers. Rosalyn tells him that it’s a pleasure, as she passes a document over to Angela, saying the revisions on her handover speech are done. Angela flicks through the document and says that they better get on with it then. 

    Outside Number 10 and the press are hurriedly gathered, waiting for the arrival of the Prime Minister. The black door opens, the press grows louder, and Angela steps out and walks up to the lectern, ready to make her speech. Rosalyn follows, standing off to the side of Angela, but far out of focus, and the Doctor watches on from a reception room in Number 10, on the television. Angela begins her speech, talking of all the great things she’s achieved over the past seven years and how the country will be in safe hands going forwards. Her speech goes on, but the focus is on Rosalyn as she notices something odd. She looks up into the sky and sees something above. It’s only faint, a vibration in the clouds, like an echo of something. It persists - she’s sure something odd is going on. She steps over to a police officer, standing close to her, and asks him if he can feel it too. He doesn’t understand, but Rosalyn points to the sky, and both their eyes widen as they see, what looks like, an alien saucer descend, from a very far distance, as it enters the atmosphere. But then - all of a sudden, a laser beam shoots at the Prime Minister, only just missing her as she dodges out of the way, and everyone is in panic. Angela looks terrified, as she recognised the blast. The police swarm the area, cordoning it off, as the Doctor exits out of Number 10 and comforts Angela. Angela tells the Doctor that it’s them, it’s the Daleks, and the Doctor just looks up at the descending Dalek ship and says that she’s absolutely right.

    Rosalyn approaches Angela and says she needs to get back inside, to safety, into the Cabinet room. Angela nods as the Police Protection Officers surround the three as they make their way to the cabinet room. Inside, the Doctor seals the room and tells Angela that he needs UNIT on the line, now.

    However, suddenly - boom! An explosion! Everything goes everywhere - the three of them fly across the room, all falling unconscious. 

    At UNIT HQ, Wilson shows Caitrin Ryan the footage of the Downing Street attack. Caitrin gulps as she simply asks “Dalek?”, and Wilson replies with “Yes”. However, as the footage plays on, Caitrin tells Wilson to pause it, as she points out a figure next to the Prime Minister, though mostly obscured by fire and rubble. She says “It’s him - it’s the Doctor!”. 

    Helicopters swoop Downing Street, now in flames, half blown up. Caitrin looks on from above, in her helicopter, as Wilson tells her, over the radio, that the Dalek ships have fallen back into orbit. Caitrin says that the first priority is finding the Doctor, and then it’s finding the Prime Minister. 

    In the Cabinet room, Rosalyn lies on the floor, falling back into consciousness. The room is destroyed around her. She gets up and sees Angela lying on the floor, still unconscious, with a nasty burn to her side. Rosalyn looks to her left, however, and sees the Doctor, standing up, perched on the windowsill. He tells Rosalyn that Angela will be alright, she’ll have regained consciousness soon enough. Rosalyn asks if he knows what just happened and the Doctor tells her that an alien race, hell bent on domination of the universe, have launched an attack on this planet. Rosalyn can’t quite believe it and says the Doctor is having a laugh. The Doctor asks her how else she can explain what’s just happened. Rosalyn says it’s a foreign country, trying to assassinate the Prime Minister. The Doctor chuckles and says that Angela wasn’t the target, why would someone try and assassinate the Prime Minister on her last day in office - he then says they were trying to kill him. 

    Caitrin steps off her helicopter and enters the ruins of Downing Street, seeing the Cabinet room ahead, safely preserved. She tells Wilson to get all available forces onto getting inside.

    Angela wakes up, to see the Doctor and Rosalyn lingering over them. She is startled and asks what happened. The Doctor does his best to explain, still as Rosalyn shakes her head, not quite believing it. Angela tells her that it’s all true and that she used to travel through space and time with the Doctor. Rosalyn laughs.

    The Doctor tells Angela that they need to get out, and back to the TARDIS if the Daleks are launching an invasion. Angela tells the Doctor that UNIT will probably be swarming Downing Street by now, so help will be on its way. 

    On the Dalek ship, the Supreme Dalek says that the Doctor must be exterminated for the invasion to succeed, however, it is interrupted as a shadowy figure speaks saying that the Supreme Dalek has failed, and the Doctor has eluded them again. The Supreme Dalek raises its voice as it says that the Daleks will be the Masters of Earth and the Doctor will be exterminated. The shadowy figure slowly chuckles.

    Caitrin and UNIT pull the Doctor, Angela and Rosalyn out of the wreckage of the, now destroyed, Number 10 Downing Street. Angela comments that she’s missed her appointment with the Queen, and she’s supposed to just be an ordinary commoner now, as her successor should be the PM. The Doctor chuckles and says that might have to wait until after they defeat an imminent Dalek invasion - then the Doctor clocks his head and asks: “like old times?”, Angela smiles but then she turns serious and says that her country needs her, but back at Thames House coordinating the security services. The Doctor nods and says that he’ll see her later, but for now, he needs to pay a visit to the Daleks. As Angela walks away, towards the UNIT helicopter, Rosalyn asks the Doctor if she can be of any help, to which the Doctor grabs her hand and says: “How would you like to see my ship?”. 

    As she gets into the helicopter, Angela asks Caitrin about K38 and if it’s active, Caitrin quietly whispers that it’s at her command, but she strongly advises against it. Angela says that it’s just a backup, in case the worst happens to the Doctor. Caitrin nods and signals for the helicopter to take off. 

    The Doctor unlocks the door to the TARDIS after he pulls it out of the wreckage, and he and Rosalyn step inside. Inside, the Twelfth Doctor’s Tardis, which looks remarkably polished and shiny, glistens as Rosalyn takes it in. She steps out, to look around the sides, and see that it’s just a police box, but inside an entirely different dimension. The Doctor explains that it’s a remarkable piece of dimensional engineering and his ticket to all of time and space. Rosalyn smiles as she closes the TARDIS’s door and says that they better go, and stop these ‘Daleks’. The Doctor pulls the dematerialisation lever on the console, as the TARDIS vanishes with an almighty roar.

    Angela arrives at Thames House, with Caitrin and several UNIT officers, where she’s greeted by the Home Secretary, and her successor, Barbara Deaconsfield. Angela apologises that she’s not in Number 10, as planned, but it seems like it’s been destroyed. Deaconsfield doesn’t find the joke very funny, to which Angela rolls her eyes. Deaconsfield updates Angela on the situation and says that she’s got all of Britain’s security services on full alert. Angela tells her that she wants UNIT to take the lead on this, and all necessary powers to be given to the Doctor. Deaconsfield asks if that’s such a good idea, and says she’d rather have MI5 in charge, but Angela says that’s an order. When they get to the top of the stairs, Caitrin introduces Angela and Deaconsfield to UNIT’s new scientific advisor, Dr. Rufus Vermont. Angela shakes his hand and says that she wants to know everything they know about Daleks. Dr. Vermont says it’ll be his pleasure.

    The TARDIS arrives on the Dalek ship, as the Doctor and Rosalyn step out. Immediately the Daleks fire at them, but a forcefield around the TARDIS keeps them safe. Rosalyn laughs as she notices the Daleks’ disappointed lowering of their eyestalks. The Doctor says he’d like to have a word with the Supreme Dalek about their invasion of Earth and how very ‘naughty’ the Daleks are. The Daleks open an aisle and gesture for the Doctor and Rosalyn to walk through, as one Dalek leads them to the Emperor’s chamber. Rosalyn asks if they will still be safe, stepping out of the TARDIS’s force field barrier, and the Doctor tells them they won’t be, but they don’t know that.

    A news reporter stands in front of the wreckage of Downing Street and says that the Prime Minister’s Office, now located in Thames House, has issued a statement saying that the attack on Downing Street was an abhorrent attack committed was the fundamental enemies of democracy, and that Mrs Jensen will be tendering her resignation to the Queen as soon as the current National Emergency is resolved. The reporter goes on to say that despite the statement, heavily implying that a terrorist organisation is responsible, no such organisation has yet claimed responsibility.  

    The Supreme Dalek tells the Doctor that the Invasion of Earth will soon take place and the Daleks will be its masters. The Doctor tells it that’s very well and good but why did they attack him and Downing Street. The Supreme Dalek says they wanted the Doctor out of the equation, as their every attack on Earth has been foiled by him in the past. The Doctor says that he thanks them for the compliment but tells them that they’ve failed once again, and he’s still alive. The Supreme Dalek laughs and says that will soon be rectified. The Doctor tells the Supreme Dalek that Earth is defended and now is their chance to run. The Supreme Dalek simply says ‘Why don’t you run? Now is your chance, Doctor. We will spare you if you leave now.’

    Dr. Vermont tells Angela that the Daleks are sitting tight in orbit at the minute, but an invasion is imminent. He says that she needs to put in a request to the United Nations for every army on the world to be on standby for when the invasion is launched. Angela agrees. Vermont then asks Angela something, more privately. He asks her about K38 and whether they should use it because Vermont says that he thinks they should before any invasion can take place. Angela nods and says that as soon as the Doctor returns from the ship, she’s going to give the orders to activate it.

    The Doctor says ‘No’, to the Daleks. The Supreme Dalek says that the Doctor and Rosalyn will be exterminated as they power up their weapons. The Doctor says that they have a forcefield around them, to which the Supreme Dalek says that they have scanned and he does not. The Doctor jokingly says it was worth a try before he nods to Rosalyn to make a run for it. The Daleks begin shooting as the Doctor and Rosalyn dodge and dive and manage to escape out of the room. The two run down the corridors of the ship, as the Daleks chase after them. Rosalyn asks where they are going and the Doctor tells her that hopefully, he’ll be able to find the Command centre of the ship, where he’ll be able to set the entire fleet to self-destruct. Elsewhere in the ship, the Daleks surround the TARDIS, and eject it out of an airlock, trapping the Doctor on the ship.

    The Doctor and Rosalyn enter the Command centre, as the Doctor inspects the computer console, trying to work out what to do. He smiles as he sees the self-destruction commands, and activates them, as a countdown begins. However, Rosalyn tells him he needs to look at something. The Doctor tells her he’s busy, but she tells him again, as he turns around to see the TARDIS falling through space, towards Earth, out of the window. The Doctor looks at Rosalyn and tells her that he’s sorry, but they have no way out. Rosalyn says that if it’s going to save Earth then he’s got to destroy all of the ships, even if they die. The Doctor holds Rosalyn’s hand and says ‘you brave, brave girl’, as a tear falls down Rosalyn’s cheek.

    But at that moment, the Daleks storm into the room, shooting and guns blazing. The Doctor and Rosalyn again manage to dodge and dive, evading the Daleks fire, but in the process, they shoot up the consoles, wrecking the room and cross circuiting it. The Doctor and Rosalyn manage to push the Daleks into the impending explosion, killing all the ones in the room. After the skirmish, the countdown runs out, and the two get ready to die. But the ship doesn’t get blown up, but out of the window, they see that all the other ships have been, and the skirmish caused a failsafe to become activated, saving just the Command Ship. Rosalyn says that they are alive, but the Doctor says that it’s only at the expense of this ship surviving to invade, and they have to destroy it before it can reach Earth. 

    Thames House is overrun with joy, as they find out the Doctor has destroyed all but one of the Dalek ships. Caitrin says that everyone shouldn’t get too excited until the invasion has been quashed, as just one Dalek could wipe out humanity completely - and they still have 2000 in orbit of Earth. Angela asks Caitrin if there’s a way she can get in contact with the Doctor, and Caitrin says that there’s the Space-Time Telegraph, but the TARDIS has been found on Earth, so the Doctor must be separated from it. Angela says thank you, as she pulls out a mobile phone, thinks for a second and then calls Rosalyn.

    As the Doctor and Rosalyn run through the Dalek ship, her phone rings with the contact ID “PM” on it. She picks it up, as Angela asks if they are still on the ship. Rosalyn replies with yes, and says they have no way of getting off it. Angela tells her that she can use K38 to destroy the ship, but not until the two of them are off it. The Doctor grabs the phone and tells Angela to get Caitrin to take her to the TARDIS and use the telepathic circuits to get them. At Thames House, Angela tells Caitrin of the plan, as she arranges for Angela to be taken to UNIT HQ, where the TARDIS is. Caitrin also orders Dr. Vermont to go with her. 

    Soon after, Angela and Dr. Vermont step out of a helicopter at UNIT HQ, in front of the TARDIS. Angela takes out her TARDIS key as the two step in. Angela takes it in, and smiles, happy to be back, missing it so much. Dr. Vermont, is noticeably, not phased by the TARDIS and acts surprisingly normal. Angela touches the telepathic circuits and the TARDIS takes off and soon materialises, after Angela navigates it out of Earth’s orbit, on the Dalek ship. Angela and Vermont step out, to find the Doctor and Rosalyn running towards them and into the TARDIS. However, when all four of them are inside and the Doctor sees Vermont, he stops still - realising who Vermont is. He tells Angela to get away from him, as he isn’t who she thinks he is. Angela says she doesn’t understand what the Doctor is saying, but the Doctor tells Angela and Rosalyn that he is one of the most deranged, morally, corrupt and evil beings alive. The Doctor asks him what the Daleks are offering him, and Vermont replies by saying that they said he could have all of Earth’s natural resources, enough to make Miasmia Goria a prosperous planet again. And then - it clicks with Angela, as she whispers: “The Rani”. Vermont smiles and waves at Angela saying ‘bingo’. 

    At Thames House, Deaconsfield asks Caitrin to activate K38 as their sensors have told them that the TARDIS has left the Dalek ship. Caitrin nods and begins the 30-minute countdown.

    The Doctor tells the Rani that the game’s up, as the Daleks will soon be defeated and he’s been found out. But the Rani just chuckles and says that Ms. Jensen gave orders that as soon as he and Rosalyn left the Dalek ship, K38 would be activated. The Doctor asks Angela what it is, and Angela just says that it’s a super-weapon capable of destroying everything in Earth’s orbit with a single blow. The Rani smiles and says that as UNIT’s chief scientific advisor, he made a few modifications. The TARDIS then lands, and the four of them step out. The Doctor tells Caitrin to arrest the Rani, and tells her who he is, to which Caitrin is shocked. Then the Doctor asks Angela where K38 is. Angela says if the Doctor knows of the Shard. The Doctor nods and then Angela says, ‘well, that’s K38.’ The Doctor chuckles, at the ridiculousness of it, and asks whose idea it was to build a superweapon and disguise it as a landmark, to which Deaconsfield coldly says that it was hers. The Doctor stops laughing and awkwardly says that they better work out what the Rani did to it before it goes off. Deaconsfield says that they have 26 minutes. 

    A helicopter swoops over the Shard, with the Doctor and Caitrin inside. Caitrin says that K38 must be shut off, as it’s too much of a risk to launch, after the Rani’s threat. Caitrin then says that it must be done manually. However, at that moment, the Dalek ship swoops through the sky and fires at the helicopter. There’s a chase around the top of the shard, as the helicopter ducks and dives but eventually, a Dalek laser hits it and it begins to fall crashing into the shard. The Doctor and Caitrin however, manage to jump through one of the Shard’s broken windows, inside the building.

    Meanwhile, Rosalyn talks to the Rani and asks him what he’s done to K38. The Rani laughs maniacally and beacons Rosalyn to come closer before he quietly whispers in her ear that he’s reserved it, and when activated it will destroy everything on the planet. Rosalyn is hit with instant horror and runs out of the Rani’s cell, instantly trying to call Caitrin, but to no response as Caitrin’s phone was broken in the helicopter crash.

    The Doctor and Caitrin run down the corridors of the Shard, towards the bottom, where Caitrin says the control hub is. The Doctor asked if it’s manned, but Caitrin says it’s all automated. Meanwhile, Rosalyn jumps onto a motorbike at Thames House, and zooms through London towards the Shard, speeding through the traffic and pedestrians. She arrives at the Entrance to the Shard, soon enough, running in and up through the building to find the Doctor.

    However, the Dalek ship lands, and the invasion begins. The Daleks not only storm Central London, exterminating hundreds of civilians in their path but a taskforce of them storm the Shard, closing in on the Doctor. Rosalyn runs up the stairs of the building, with Daleks on her tail, as at the same time, the Doctor and Caitrin run down the stairs. The Daleks come into firing range of Rosalyn, as the three meet. The Doctor asks Rosalyn what she’s doing there and she explains that the Rani’s told her about what K38 does. She then says that the weapon has been reversed and it will destroy all living matter on the planet. The Doctor, with alarm, speeds up running down the stairs, but Rosalyn says it’s swarmed with Daleks. The Doctor, not knowing what to do, asks Caitrin how long they’ve got and she says just 11 minutes. The Doctor takes both of their hands as they walk towards the Daleks, 

    The Daleks tell the Doctor to halt and to get ready to be exterminated, but the Doctor tells them that it’s up and he’s already modified K38, reprogramming it to destroy all Dalek life, whether it’s in orbit or on the planet’s surface. The Daleks say that the Doctor is lying, but the Doctor asks if it’s a chance they can take. The Daleks confer for a moment and then tell the Doctor that he will come with them to the Control Hub, so it can be reprogrammed. 

    Meanwhile, outside of Thames House, Angela gives a statement to the media. She says that a foreign hostile force has launched a series of new-age drones upon Britain and that Britain’s top security forces are working on dismantling and destroying them all. She says that unfortunately an estimated 400 people have already been killed, in Central London. She then tells the public to stay in their homes, until the crisis is over, for their own safety.

    The Daleks enter the Control Hub, escorting the Doctor, Rosalyn and Caitrin there. The Daleks order the Doctor to deweaponise K38. The Doctor obliges as he begins tinkering with the machinery. On the Dalek ship, the Rani is brought before the Supreme Dalek, who tells the Rani that he has failed and he will be exterminated. But the Rani tells them that they are fools, and the Doctor is outsmarting them as they speak. The Doctor continues to tinker with the machinery, but one of the Daleks suddenly changes positioning as a command comes in from the Supreme Dalek. It fires at the machinery, surprising everyone, as it tells the Doctor that he will be exterminated and the Daleks reign supreme. The Doctor, however, tells the Daleks that the Dalek laser blast was all he needed to kick start K38 and allow it to, quite simply… kill all of the Daleks. The Doctor then tells the Daleks to tell their Supreme and the Rani that they have about… (as he reads) 54 seconds until… boom.

    On the Dalek ship, the Rani runs, quickly, trying to escape off it, in a panic. But the Daleks corner him, as they simply say exterminate. As the Rani screams (off-screen). The countdown nears its end, and Angela looks up at the sky, worridly as the countdown keeps going at Thames House. 30 seconds, then 20…. The Doctor, Rosalyn and Caitrin stand in a line, in front of the Daleks as suddenly - boom. The Daleks explode. They run away, up through the Shard, outside. They look up into the sky, as the Dalek ship explodes, as well as all the Daleks on the ground. The three of them celebrate and cheer as they save the day.

    The Reporter stands in front of Thames House, as she says that while no foreign government nor terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the terrible attacks which have taken place that day, the British Secret Services have successfully quashed the drones and saved millions and millions of lives. She also goes onto say that the Prime Minister has begun her journey to the Palace to tender her resignation, not just as the UK’s Prime Minister, but now a national hero and protector of the nation.

    The Doctor, Rosalyn and Caitrin arrive back at Thames House where they receive a grateful welcome and Deaconsfield personally thanks them for all their hard work. The Doctor monologues about how evil the Daleks are, but says that humanity will always be protected until the world ends. Before the Doctor walks across the hall and enters the TARDIS - however, Rosalyn calls after him and asks if she can come with him - see the universe. A smile appears on the Doctor’s face as he opens both doors and says welcome.




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