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    What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed?

    In Her Own Words (episode)

    The following article is written from an Out of Universe perspective.

    In Her Own Words was the ninth episode of Season 3 of The Elysium. It was written by Adrian Hodges, directed by Douglas Mackinnon and it featured Mina Anwar, Sarah Winter, Esai Morales, Suzanne Packer, Pallance Dladla and Sinead Keenan.


    Julie sits down for an hour-long, one on one, interview with Calem, to broadcast her side of the story to the public. However, as emotions become heightened, and questions become more probing, will things exactly go to plan?


    Julie sits in her dressing room, as a woman puts makeup on her face. A neon SWN logo, illuminates her, as she looks in the mirror at herself. She speaks to the makeup woman about what she thinks of her, and the woman, very calmly, says that she doesn’t trust her and thinks she only took the position of Vice President as a power grab, as beforehand, she so strongly opposed Ajacos and his government. Julie sits very quietly for a moment before she tells her to leave her alone, and she’ll do the rest of the makeup herself. Not before long, the door opens again, and Roddy appears behind Julie and tells her just how vital this is. Julie nods her head, saying that if she doesn’t win this interview, she’ll have no chance of winning the trial. Roddy passes her an earpiece and says that she’ll need this, but Julie rejects it saying she doesn’t want it. Roddy tells her that they can’t take that chance and he needs to be in her ear. Julie rebuttals telling Roddy that SWN will never allow it but Roddy raises his voice telling Julie that she is SWN, and she can do what she likes. Defeated, Julie puts in the earpiece, and walks out into the studio, where she’s greeted by Calem, and they shake hands.

    The broadcast begins as the SWN logo appears on the screen with the caption: ‘In Conversation with Julie Yannis Karter”. Richard sits with Hurati, as they watch the broadcast, at the same time as Ajacos doing the same, and on the Ramanujan, the crew huddled around a weak black and white set, as the signal reaches them. Eddie is scowled at by the rest of the crew, as it begins.

    Julie is sat down in a wooden chair, opposite Calem in a similar one, as the interview begins. Calem starts by introducing herself, empathising that she was a senior advisor to Ajacos and her government, up until last year. She then introduces Julie, as the Vice President and former political activist and leader of the miner’s strike, which brought her widespread fame. Calem then says that’s what they should probably start on: the Miner’s Strike. Julie gracefully smiles, before she explains that, what the government had decided at the time was wrong, and people were being condemned to a life of servitude, without any say. Calem challenges her, repeating her words from the time which were much harsher on the government, using the words ‘slavery’, and calling Ajacos ‘evil’, at one point. Julie, hits back, saying that she doesn’t disagree with anything she said that the time, joking that Ajacos does have his moments, but it was a problem that with diplomacy could and was fixed... the strike just got their attention, to enable those discussions to happen. Calem asks her if she regrets holding the strike then, but Julie tells her firmly, no she doesn’t, as it was imperative to make the government listen, and she believes in the last year, she’s managed to really make a difference in the government, and for the better.

    Roddy sits in the dressing room, watching it on the screen, and he tells Julie, through the earpiece, that she needs to be firmer with Ajacos, distance herself from him. Julie’s reaction is of disagreement, facially, but she proceeds to say that Ajacos was fundamentally wrong, he did treat the refugees of the Barrac and those from the mining ships as slaves, to better the lives of not just the rich but also the normal everyday, middle classes, of the Scallatti, but, she says, it was the poor that suffered in turn. Roddy shouts through her earpiece that she needs to blame it on capitalism, as Julie tells Calem squarely that it’s capitalism which fundamentally creates that sort of inequality, and perhaps they need to rethink it. Calem’s reaction is one of confusion, as she didn’t quite expect Julie to say such a thing, but continues, asking her if she’s proud of what she managed to accomplish, in the end. Julie politely says that she was overjoyed by the arrangement she managed to make with Ajacos and that the lives of those miners are now much improved. She says that it was the element of choice, more than anything, which was important and not being condemned to a life of slavery because you were born on the wrong ship. She talks about Jan, saying that she couldn’t, as a mother, hold herself together, to see him spend his entire lives in those mines, especially after everyone had been promised for so long, a better life when they reached the Elysium. Calem smiles softly and tells Julie that some of her critics say she only did what she did to save her son and that saving everyone else was just a happy accident. Julie reacts with shock at the statement, and she doesn’t quite know how to answer...

    Hurati tells Richard that they need to ask her about them because he has a feeling Julie might just give them just what they want. Richard asks what he means and he tells him that he means he believes at heart Julie is one of them. Richard says they’ve got to ask about her past first. Hurati laughs and says that will be interesting, nevertheless.

    The interview resumes, as the SWN logo flashes on screen again, and Julie sits back down with Calem. Calem begins by asking Julie about her children, Collie, who sadly died many years ago, and her 9-year-old son, Jan. Julie says that her children have meant the world to her and she loves Jan with all her heart, but Calem says that being Vice President must create a divide there, surely she saw Jan a lot more when they were on the Valkyrie. Julie calmly tells Calem that it is true, she spent every waking minute with Jan when she was on the Valkyrie, but that was because she had to, because if she didn’t, Jan would be in so much danger. She says that she now has the luxury of Jan having safety, and so he can have a normal childhood, without his mother their 24/7, but she says that hasn’t affected their relationship when she comes home at night, it’s still the two of them, but she says she isn’t going to pretend they are closer than they were on the Valkyrie, but she says that it's for Jan’s own good they aren’t... he needs his independence. Calem chuckles and says speaking of independence, Julie’s view on the PACIFA movement as been muddled and perhaps she could enlighten the viewers of where she stands.

    Roddy mutters down Julie’s earpiece loudly not to U-turn, as it will only create problems. He tells her that she needs to support the federation, above anything else. Julie looks towards Calem and politely maintains her position of supporting the Scallatti Federation and the united effort they have had for the past 2000 years, and that even if times have changed, they’ve got to band together. Calem grills her, however, saying that isn’t it the same Scallatti Federation which has the very same class system, which imposed her and her family for so long, that she now wishes to defend. Calem says surely she’d be a supporter of at least devolution, if not independence, so people who are working-class are getting more of a say how they are treated, and Calem continues adding that this surely fits her views perfectly, especially as it’s the closest thing she could get to ‘rethinking’ the capitalist society, which she herself rallied for earlier. Roddy continues in Julie’s ear, and she can’t take it. She breathes in deeply, before ripping out the earpiece and chucking it aside.

    Hurati and Richard gasp, as they see the earpiece on the screen, as does Ajacos and the crew of the Ramanujan, seeing that Julie was being fed answers, but as the interview continues, Calem, oddly, doesn’t mention it and just moves onto the next point. Everyone watching, screams at the screen, unsure why it hasn’t even been brought up.

    Julie tells Calem that she can see the values of the PACIFA movement, although she can’t openly support it. Calem calls her up on that, asking what she means by ‘openly’ supporting it, asking her if she privately does support PACIFA. Julie says that she thinks the current government has problems, and the system does need a rethink and that she’s welcome to all views. Calem nods, before moving back onto her children, asking about her oldest daughter, Collie, who is no longer with them. Julie smiles as she remembers Collie, and says that she would be 20 years old now. Calem asks how she died, and if Julie had anything to do with it. Julie erupts accusing Calem of calling her a bad parent. Calem maintains that’s not what she meant. Julie says that Collie died due to pneumonia, at the age of just 9, because of the fact the Valkyrie was so dangerous. Calem then pauses for a moment before asking the killer question, everyone has been waiting for: “And what of Collie’s birth?”...

    Julie closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath, as Calem repeats her question. Julie says that she gave birth to Collie at the age of 18, in an unplanned pregnancy. Calem says that’s what, she’s sure she’s aware of, everyone is hung up on, after the revelations of the previous year, made by Callista Daily reporter, Eddie Nickos Kyprianos. Julie says she denied the reports at the time, and she continues to deny them, Collie’s birth was as a result of a consensual partnership, which was just short-lived, but Calem says that would be technically true, despite the reports. Calem then pauses and asks Julie out-right, did she or did she not receive payment from Collie’s father, in exchange for sexual intercourse. Julie looks down at her feet, in a moment of pause, as Calem asks again. She then looks directly down the camera, to the audience, and says, blankly: “yes”.

    Steam almost comes out of Ajacos’ ears, as his face becomes a solid red colour, furious at Julie for admitting such a thing. He thinks for a moment before making a transmission... to Roddy. He tells them that he needs to shut Julie up, but Roddy is confused at how Ajacos knows he has anything to do with Julie. Ajacos laughs and tells Roddy that he knows him better than he knows himself, he spent a lot of time with him and he knows that the Roddy, he knew, would go running straight to Julie. Roddy says that she’s taken the earpiece out, and there’s nothing he can do, not until the next break. Ajacos says if this car crash continues any longer, there very well might be a vacancy again soon. Roddy says he doesn’t want it.

    Julie takes a sip of water, before telling Calem that the Valkyrie was a ship on its own. She says that even though there were 20 mining ships, no-one but the command crew, had ever set foot on another mining ship, let alone one of the important ships, since at least, the Invitation of Destination. She barks that they were trapped on there, and a society began to be built, but one controlled by gangsters and criminals, because the Scallatti Government just didn’t care, and didn’t bother intervening or looking after the law. Money didn't really exist there, as none of the miners were paid, she says, but when your an orphan, on your own, as a teenager, needing to get by, currency was needed to just get the basics. She says that there was no incentive to work on the Valkyrie, apart from getting the fleet to the Elysium, and things will be better then, but she had to survive and so she fell into the wrong crowd but did what was necessary, she maintains. She says that what she did, which brought her among other things a child, wasn’t because she was greedy or needed money or wanted sex, but because she had no alternative. She says that she was left with no option but to sell herself, as the Scallatti Government had abandoned them, even though the fleet wouldn’t function without them. Calem asks Julie why she had to do that, however, as there were hundreds upon hundreds of people on that ship who got by and survived, and they didn’t sell themselves, but Julie tells them that they were all doing criminal things, all doing something dodgy, it’s just that’s the one she fell into, but everyone had to work with the gangsters who controlled the Valkyrie’s society, as otherwise, they’d be out of the nearest airlock. She says that she was 15 years old when she started, and an attractive looking girl, and it was the easiest way to make a living, as mining didn’t provide anything. Julie tells Calem, and the audience, especially Ajacos, that if the Scallatti government had paid the workers, and given them safe conditions, at the time, then the crime syndicates would not have thrived and none of this would’ve even happened in the first place. Calem says that they’re going to go for a break, and will be back in a moment.

    Julie walks into her dressing room to find Roddy there, pale white, angry with Julie, beyond belief. He tells her that she’s finished as Vice President now, but Julie rebuttals telling Roddy that she was an idiot, she should never have become VP and she should’ve stuck to her beliefs. She says that she thought she could make a difference in the role, but in fact, she had far more influence speaking out against the government, as a political activist. Roddy tells her that being Vice President is far more than just that and that she should value the position more. Julie lashes out, telling Roddy that he was just using her and she’s had enough. Julie marches over to the head of security and asks for Roddy to be escorted off SWN premises.

    Ajacos receives a transmission from Roddy, who tells him that Julie’s out, by her own choice. Ajacos says the position is his again if he wants it, but Roddy rejects again, saying that the public would never accept it. Ajacos asks if Roddy thinks the federation will break up now, and Roddy says that it’s very likely...

    The SWN logo flashes, once more, on the screen, as the interview resumes. Calem questions Julie along the line of her job, and whether she’ll remain the position. Julie frowns and tells the public that she doesn’t plan to, and will announce further details in the near future. She says she still has a duty to get the federation into a suitable state for her successor to look after, as it’s yet far from perfect. She highlights all the achievements she’s made, however, from the building programmes across all the continents and all the towns which have become all vibrant and successful communities. Calem asks again what her view on independence for those vibrant and successful communities is, and Julie bites her lip, thinking carefully. She says that she wasn’t honest before, she had the pressure of appeasing Ajacos and being a politician clouding what she says, and she apologises for that and says she’ll do her very best to be entirely honest, in the future. Calem asks the question again, not getting a proper answer, before Julie apologises, saying she did the classic political thing of avoiding the question. She adds that she doesn’t support full independence, leaving those towns and future cities alone, on their own, because the same problem that happened with the old ships, especially the Valkyrie, as she just outlined, will occur. Julie tells Calem there will be a power vacuum and the criminal syndicates will eat everything up, but she does say that she fully supports extensive devolution and wants each one to have their own government, but under the supervision of a federal Scallatti Government, as she believes that’s the only safe and fair way to deal with the situation. She says for that reason, she cannot align herself with Hurati and PACIFA but will do everything in her power, before she leaves the position of Vice President, to ensure a vote or a referendum of sorts is held on the devolution issue, but she says down the camera, clearly, that she does not support independence, as it’s too risky, especially with threats from the Rhaighrs, and in light of some recent events, the Cizzaurans too.

    Hurati smiles, as everyone in the PACIFA headquarters, cheers, feeling that they’ve had a substantial win. Richard looks around confused and asks Hurati why he’s so happy, PACIFA stand for independence, and Julie, herself, denounced them. Hurati tells Richard he has a lot to learn, and devolution is something they will be very happy with. Hurati says that if you ask for devolution, you’re never going to get it, but if you ask for independence, then they’ll have to comprise and give you devolution, in an attempt to keep you quiet about independence. Richard says that isn’t the point, as they still won’t get independence, but Hurati says they’ve got to start somewhere, and in 20 years or so, it’ll probably happen, but this is a big win for PACIFA, and they’ll going to be all over the media, as the campaign for the referendum begins.

    Calem turns to Julie to ask her final question but bites her tongue remaining quiet, and instead of saying that she’s got someone special to ask this final question, as Dani enters the room and takes Calem’s place. Dani asks Julie that if she was truly a prostitute, and if Collie’s father was really in the ways Eddie described, why did she suspend the operations of Callista Daily, and ruin her’s, and many other’s, lives. Julie says that she was ordered to do it by Ajacos, as Callista Daily was getting out of hand, quite often, and he needed an excuse to get rid of it and introduce a state-controlled broadcast, like SWN. Julie simply says: “It was convenient”.

    Ajacos and Roddy sit back in his office and explode, as Ajacos says that he knew nothing about it, and when Julie made that speech, he was furious that he hadn’t consulted her, and now she’s trying to pin it on him, he’s livid. Roddy tells Ajacos that she’s devious, she’s got to give her that.

    Julie asks Dani why she’s so upset about Callista Daily closing, as she thought she wasn’t exactly getting on well with the management. Dani says that she welcomed to move, originally, and didn’t want the details about Julie published, at the time, but she says what hurt was the fact that she was blacklisted from working in SWN, and so many of the others from the company were. Julie apologises from this and says that the whole affair has been a mess, and that’s down to President Ajacos. Julie tells the public that Ajacos was a bad president even when they were a fleet of ships looking for a home, but he’s a dire president for the age of a new world. Julie says that she doesn’t want to take over as president, and she has no interest in taking any official position again, but she thinks Ajacos should go, as she maintains that 15 years is too long for any leader, and a new age, a new planet, needs someone new. Dani asks who Julie is suggesting, but she just smiles and says that's for the public to decide, but she thinks there should be an election, immediately, as a dual ballet with a devolution referendum. But Julie adds finally, she will not, under any circumstances, be standing.





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