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    What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed?
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    The following article is written from an In Universe perspective.

    The Fourteenth Doctor was the first incarnation in the Doctor's new regeneration cycle, taken from the biologies of Will Adams and Phaedra, after their manifestation into "Connie".



    Regenerating on Earth in 2013, the Fourteenth Doctor came into being after the deaths of Will Adams and Phaedra (PAN: Survivors, Doctor). Collapsing to the ground, the Doctor was rushed to a nearby cottage hospital, where she was discovered by UNIT's Dr Edwin Ball. Before long, she was treated to a visit by Caitrin Ryan, the Director-General of United Kingdom UNIT operations. Falling in and out of a coma, the Doctor told Caitrin that the Rogue miscalculated and she didn't have long left to live.

    Soon after, the Doctor was transferred to UNIT Headquarters, remaining under the care of medical professionals. By the time night fell, the Doctor began to hear an ever-present whisper of her name, continually, as she regained consciousness. Following the voice, she was led to a cell holding Omega. Omega offered to help the Doctor by giving her back time travel, (MOV: Doctor Who: Genesis) despite the destruction of the Eye of Harmony (MOV: Doctor Who: Endgame) - on the condition that she took a trip back in time to 1963, in order to retrieve a sample of her first incarnation's DNA, so her new body would expect her consciousness. The Doctor and UNIT then helped Omega build a brand new time machine. As she prepared for her journey into the past, the Doctor chose a 1960s outfit from UNIT's wardrobe, in order to blend in with the era she would be travelling to.

    After finding herself disorientated in 1963, the Doctor hitchhiked into town with Ian Chesterton. As they parked up at Coal Hill School, she bumped into Susan Foreman before she walked off into Shoreditch town centre, whereby she found out she arrived only one day before her earlier self left Earth.

    Arriving at the local cemetery, she spotted her first incarnation speaking to the vicar. Soon after her first incarnation left, she left, following him back to Totter's Lane. Omega went on to tell her that if she could make her way into the earlier TARDIS, she could steal the Dimensional Decoder Unit and summon her own TARDIS, but she thought it too risky while her first incarnation was in the TARDIS.

    Meeting Ian in the local café, the Doctor thanked him for bringing her into town earlier in the day. Ian offered the Doctor a place to stay, to which she gratefully accepted. Also meeting Barbara Wright in the café, the Doctor introduced herself as Doctor Joan Smith. After leaving the café a few hours later, Ian took the Doctor back to his house, and they both, soon after, retired for the night. On Omega's advice, the Doctor left Ian's house soon after, taking a taxi back to Totter's Lane to fulfil her mission. Briefly running into the First Doctor, the Doctor was met with coldness as he was unhappy with a stranger so close to his TARDIS. Together with her first incarnation, the Doctor escaped from the yard, after I.M. Foreman began walking in their direction, down the lane.

    Telling the First Doctor not to return to Totter's Lane for a few hours, he walked off towards the cemetery, the Doctor took this as her cue to enter the TARDIS. Entering the console room, the Doctor stole the Dimensional Decoder Unit, also damaging the chameleon circuit. Additionally taking some other parts from Totter's Lane, the Doctor took another taxi back to Ian's flat.

    Having built the machine to summon her TARDIS, the Doctor focused on trying to get the First Doctor's DNA before the end of the day. After the tyre on Ian's car was found to be flat, the Doctor and Ian changed it, before travelling back towards Shoreditch. Stalking her first incarnation, the Doctor sedated him, and then took him to a disused warehouse. The Doctor then transfused her first incarnation's blood into herself. Locking the First Doctor in the warehouse, to keep him safe as he recovered, the Doctor returned to Coal Hill to make sure everything was going as it should be.

    However, on her way to Coal Hill, she noticed something wrong with one of the passers-by. Asking him to explain what he was doing, he revealed himself as the Master. The Doctor asked the Master how he was supposed to destroy her life, to which he replied that she would never meet Ian and Barbara. Realising that the Master had planted a bomb in Coal Hill, the Doctor ran off towards the school. Searching the school for the bomb, the Doctor found herself in the basement. Receiving instructions from Dr Ball, the Doctor managed to diffuse the bomb, just in the knick of time.

    Returning to the warehouse, the Doctor found the Master looming over her first incarnation's body, but she soon managed to knock the Master unconscious. Taking the Master with her, the Doctor left the warehouse, dumping his body on the side of the road. Stealing a moped from a stranger, the Doctor zoomed off towards Totter's Lane in order to get there in time, to make sure everything still went as it should've.

    After seeing both Ian and Barbara, and then later on, the First Doctor, enter the junkyard, a future version of the Master, from a few hours in the future, confronted the Doctor on Totter's Lane. The Doctor fought off the Master, while also removing the dematerialisation circuit, to which she then ran off down the lane.

    Standing off with the Master, the Doctor told the Master that he was to be stranded there forever, before she left on the moped back to Ian's flat. When the Doctor arrived back at Ian's flat, she activated the machine, summoning her TARDIS. Stepping inside, she smiled as she found it looking brand new. Calling Caitrin and Omega, the Doctor forgave Omega, and told Caitrin that she could keep the Time Machine they created. (MOV: Doctor Who: Genesis)

    Meeting Erin

    A short while after landing in 1977 to attend Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee celebrations, the Doctor found that her TARDIS had been graffitied with anti-monarchist rhetoric by Erin Stevenson and Kyle Harrison. Before she could do anything, she, as well Erin and Kyle, heard a scream, leading them into investigating.

    The Doctor worked out that a Raston Assassin Robot was trying to assassinate the Queen and along with Erin and Kyle, she tried to stop it. The Doctor also met Erin's parents, Danielle and Roger, claiming that she was a WDC on an operation from the local Criminal Investigation Department.

    After defeating the Raston Assasin Robot, the Doctor invited Erin and Kyle on board the TARDIS, but Kyle refused while encouraging Erin to take up the Doctor's offer. The Doctor was thrilled that Erin accepted her offer, and they went off in the TARDIS to somewhere 'unimaginable'. (DW: God Save the Queen)

    Travelling with Erin

    Erin's first request was to go to a party, to which the Doctor decided to take her to the Wedding of Bastian Pagez in 16th Century Scotland. While there, the Doctor and Erin became involved in the mysterious death of the Queen's husband, Lord Darnley. Despite intending just to leave, which the Doctor does do, shortly after she piloted the TARDIS back there, but two months later, not being able to resist the temptation to investigate. With the help of Bastian, the Doctor and Erin managed to uncover a larger conspiracy, including the Earl of Moray, Morton, William Maitland, Archibald Douglas, Lord Bothwell and the Queen herself. After they made it back to the TARDIS, the Doctor looked up what happened next and explained to Erin the sad truth about Queen Mary's life, prompting Erin to want to go home, for a bit. (DW: The Darnley Conspiracy)

    Returning Erin home, the Doctor and her were invited to a Computer Conference by Danielle and Roger, which Roger's brother, Reg had tickets for. At the conference, Dr Carter presented his new invention called the iPhone, a mobile telephone. The Doctor discovered that an alien race called the J'taria, who travelled from the future, gave Dr Carter instructions onto how to build a smartphone, as so they could use the design to control the minds of Earth's population. The Doctor ended up stopping the J'taria and destroyed all the prototypes and blueprints for the iPhone. (DW: At the Tip of Your Fingers)

    After receiving an alert, the Doctor took Erin to UNIT Headquarters in 2014, after a faint purple portal opened up in the skies of London. After investigation with UNIT, the Doctor discovered that an alien race, who they called the Sky Heads, wanted to declare Earth their new home, as there's had been destroyed. However, it turned out that a Tolian, called Arunzell, was using UNIT equipment to bring the Sky Heads and lots of other alien races to Earth, in order to test out his theories of natural selection. Arunzell was eventually killed, and this left the Doctor and Erin to close all the portals. However, a Tolian ship, soon descended on London, looking for Arunzell, to imprison him as a war criminal, however, finding Arunzell dead, instead, for perverting the course of justice, the Tolians took the Doctor and Erin prisoner, to face trial on Tolia. (DW: Tomahawk)

    Arriving on Tolia, the Doctor was told of the news that the Tolians had thrown the case out of court, on the grounds of them doing more good than bad. However, after the offer of being returned home, the Doctor decided to stay for an extra day to watch the Intergalactic Song Contest, after finding out their captain had tickets. While watching the flag ceremony, the Doctor noticed that the Earth entry had an orange flicker around her, causing the Doctor to begin investigating, eventually uncovering that in her song, there was a secret code, unlocking the fabric of reality to bring a swarm of Carrionites through. After Erin defeats them, as the two invaded the stage, the Doctor and Erin were transported back to 2014, whereby they left in the TARDIS for another adventure. (DW: The Food of Love)

    Returning Erin to East Grinstead, the Doctor stayed in the TARDIS, while Erin met up with her boyfriend, Kyle. However, when Erin returned to the TARDIS, she found the TARDIS only 8 inches tall, as the Doctor explained that it seemed that something had altered the exterior dimensions of the TARDIS. The Doctor, not being able to exit the TARDIS and investigate, advised Erin to put the TARDIS in her handbag, and take her with her. After later having to put the TARDIS into siege mode, trapping the Doctor away to die, Erin rescued her, using the power of an invading race called the Boneless, leaving the TARDIS to return to full scale, and for the Doctor to banish them back to their own dimension. (DW: Flatline)

    The Doctor and Erin landed in 1937 Berlin and were soon arrested by a group of brownshirts, for their anachronistic appearance. The Doctor was soon split up from Erin, who was sent for re-education and subjected to a brutal interrogation by Obergruppenführer Sennheiser. Finding out about the TARDIS, Sennheiser plotted to use it to rewrite history for the Führer. The Doctor eventually, escaped Sennheiser, after finding out that Erin was on the Hindenberg, an airship set to mysteriously crash. During the process of saving Erin, the Doctor inadvertently caused the Hindenberg to crash. Feeling incredibly guilty from this, the Doctor and Erin visited a memorial to the Hindenberg and reflected upon all the people that died. (DW: Fire and Fury)

    The Doctor and Erin visited the Starship Forge, a human mining ship in the 33rd Century. Finding the ship overrun with dead bodies reanimated by their smartsuits, and the oxygen-limited to those suits, the Doctor and Erin put themselves into the suits and were updated on the situation by the survivors, Amanda Theodore, Hogan Cox, Tasker, Abby and Dahh-Ren. Realising that the smartsuits were killing people because they were designed to by the people who created them to remove the expensive workers, the Doctor linked the survivors' with the power system of the station, leaving it so that the whole ship would explode if the smartsuits killed any of them. Telling the spacesuits A.I. her actions and that it would result in them losing a lot of money, the suits became non-hostile and let the Doctor and the survivors leave. As Hogan piloted the ship back to Earth, a voice on the comms came through identifying itself as the "Gaian Border Service", which left the Doctor terrified.

    Once on Earth, the Doctor worked with the resistance, which was once led by the Forge's engineer Hogan, to defeat the Gaians, but in the midst of things, the Doctor came to the realisation that her actions would prevent the Gaians' downfall 30 years later, and change the course of history. After heavy tensions with Hogan, the Doctor just managed to threaten the Governor of Earth on the Empire's eventual collapse, before the Doctor invited Hogan to stick around and travel with her and Erin. (DW: Those Who Lead)

    Travels with Erin & Hogan

    The TARDIS took the Doctor, Erin and Hogan to a hospital during the Crimean War, run by Florence Nightingale - much to the Doctor's delight. She discovered, however, that something strange was going on, as it came to light that an alien race of refugees, the Yarra, were replacing the dying soldiers with their own souls. Eventually, the Doctor managed to agree on a deal, instead, by using the power of the TARDIS, she moved the refugee Yarran souls into those of nonsentient life on earth, such as many wild animals. (DW: The Lady with the Lamp)

    Arriving in July 1969 to take Erin and Hogan to watch the Apollo Moon landing, the Doctor encountered the Drahvins, who had infiltrated NASA as dozens of new secretaries. They planned to steal all the titanium used by NASA in the Apollo Space Craft, as their planet didn't have a metal that strong - however, in doing so they would have averted the course of history, and the Soviets would've got to the moon first. The Doctor, with the help of Erin and Hogan, defeated the Drahvins and persevered history. (DW: One Giant Leap)

    Inspired by seeing the moon landing, the Doctor took Erin and Hogan to the first human colony on Mars, in 2064. However, as events transpired, both the Doctor and Hogan realised that they were in the middle of a historical event, when the whole base, mysterious, blew up, killing all the astronauts. After fighting off an alien parasite called the Flood, Hogan, against the Doctor's wishes, decided to try and change time, and save the crew - which he succeeded in doing to all but the Captain. Angry about this, the Doctor decided that she would take Hogan home. (DW: The Waters of Mars)

    En route to Gaian Earth to drop Hogan off, the TARDIS was pulled off course, taking the Doctor and her companions to the Tower of London in 1553, during the reign of Lady Jane Grey - the Nine Days Queen. While experiencing these events, the Doctor managed to teach Hogan a lesson about not changing history, as the trio had to let Lady Jane Grey's fate become upheld, without interfering. The Doctor, instead, taught Erin and Hogan that they must make Jane's final hours kind, instead of changing an established historical event. (DW: Queen of Nine)

    Still attempting to get back to Gaian Earth, the Doctor landed the TARDIS on a starship, which turned out to be one of the Time Lord/Vex ships, which departed Gallifrey, after the fall. After investigation, and meeting with Frances, they found out that a deadly virus, which only affected people with Time Lord DNA, had infected the fleet. Eventually, Hogan and Erin proved themselves to the Doctor, by saving the day, as they were both humans. Meanwhile, the Doctor managed to speak briefly with a dying Zenla, to whom the trio attended the funeral of. (DW: Remnants)

    Confrontation with the Gaians

    The Doctor eventually managed to pilot the TARDIS back to Gaian Earth, where she dropped off Hogan. Shortly afterwards, however, the Doctor received an alert that one of her most vicious enemies was in the vicinity, and decided to take Erin to Peladon. Arriving on Peladon, the Doctor and Erin walked through the caves, as the Doctor explained to Erin about the Master, her oldest enemy, but suddenly the two of them heard a scream, whereby after following it, the Doctor found one of her old companions, Gemma lying on the floor. Gemma was confused who the Doctor was, despite the Doctor telling her that she'd regenerated, but before the Doctor could say anymore, the Master stepped out of the shadows, with a gun, beside Gemma, claiming to Gemma that she was the Rani.

    After the Master fired the gun, the Doctor was pushed out of the way by Gemma, who saved her life, as while she didn't know who the Doctor was, she did know that the Master wasn't the Doctor, as her Doctor wouldn't kill anyone. The Doctor, Erin and Gemma went to the headquarters of the resistance group, the Keepers of Time, where Hogan and Amanda Theodore were. Their leader, Sauter, explained to them that they were preparing to overthrow the Governor in an uprising, but the Doctor instead told Sauter that the Master was controlling the Governor, and it'd be wiser to have got rid of him.

    The Doctor stormed the Palatium and confronted the Master, as she asked him what he had to gain from all of this. Pushed right to breaking point, the Doctor pulled out a Vex blaster, which could kill a Time Lord stone dead, and pointed it at the Master - but, right on cue, UNIT, having been brought from the 21st Century by Erin in the TARDIS, stormed the building and arrested the Master, after the Doctor stalled him for just long enough.

    With KOT having overthrown the Governor and the Gaians, Gemma asked the Doctor to return her home, as the Doctor brought her back to Rosadyne. Leaving in the TARDIS, the Doctor was soon confronted by Erin who asked to return home too, as everything she'd been through, was just too much for her - but Erin told the Doctor to come see her in a years time. Landing the TARDIS in 1977 East Grinstead, the Doctor watched on as Erin knocked on her parents' door, and received a warm embrace from her mother. (DW: Destiny of the Gaians)

    Travels with Erin & Kyle

    The Doctor and Erin reunited when, in June 1978, Erin invited the Doctor to Reg Stevenson's funeral. At the funeral, the Doctor discovered that the vicar, giving the service, was in fact being controlled by a Dalek mutant, which went onto siege Buckingham Palace and took over the Queen's body. The Doctor tried to confront the Dalek-Queen, but was tackled to the ground by the SAS. However, Erin and Kyle managed to kill the Dalek, saving the day. Finding out that Erin and Kyle were engaged, the Doctor invited Kyle to come with her and Erin in the TARDIS, to which he accepted. (DW: Queen of the Daleks)

    Attempting to take Erin and Kyle to the galaxy's highest-rated restaurant, the TARDIS landed in a seemingly 1980s hotel, which before long the trio were stranded in, as the TARDIS became lost in the labyrinth of the hotel corridors. Encountering three other people in reception, all of whom couldn't remember how they got there, the Doctor discovered that some sort of creature was feeding off the faith of those it had lured into its domain. With each room of the hotel occupy everyone's greatest fear, the Doctor realised just what the creature was - a Nimon, dying and trapped in a prison. The Doctor soon managed to break the illusion, only after forcing Erin to lose her faith in her, allowing the Nimon to die peacefully. (DW: The God Complex)

    Soon after, the Doctor returned Erin and Kyle home, to visit Danielle and Roger, but they were greeted by a Dalek invasion squad. With the help of Sergeant Benton, the Doctor managed to destroy the invading Daleks, while Danielle and Roger helped to destroy the ship. (ADV: The Dalek Invasion of Sussex)

    The TARDIS brought the trio to the English village of Eyam during the Black Death, where the Doctor, Erin and Kyle discovered a group of Kroaket merchants hiding out, trying to get samples of the Black Death in order to sell it on the Black Market, in the future. As they kept history on track, and avoided breaking Eyam's quarantine, the Doctor managed to trap the Kroakets in a nearby swamp. (ADV: The Black Death)

    In the far future, the Doctor, Erin and Kyle found themselves onboard the Starship Harmony, a luxury space cruise - but it was abandoned, yet working seemingly normally. The trio managed to discover that the entire crew had been caught in a temporal flux, instigated by a ravaged Temorturian, which caused the crew's actions to take effect, but all the while they were caught between one second and the next. After fighting the Temorturian, the Doctor, Erin and Kyle managed to free the crew. (ADV: Starship Harmony)

    The trio arrived in 1958 America, whereby they attracted the attention of the Alliance of Shades, after accidentally activating a piece of space junk. The three found themselves, escaping to the clutches of the American Military at Area 51, where they came across a small alien called Seruba Velak. Again, escaping, the trio and Seruba found their way to finding another alien, a Viperox - who it seemed the US Military were working with. After coming across Seruba's husband, the Doctor pieces together that the couple were the "Roswell aliens", and they were fleeing from the Viperox. Activating the space junk, which was actually a weapon the Americans stole off the couple, all the Viperox were sent home, and the Doctor, Erin and Kyle returned the couple home. (ADV: Dreamland)

    When the trio arrived back in 1978 for Erin and Kyle's long awaited wedding, plans were derailed when Erin woke up heavily pregnant. The Doctor soon discovered that a Nostrovite had managed to impregnate Erin on a previous adventure, but Erin wished the wedding to go ahead, anyway, with the help of the perception device. The Nostrovite mother, came after them at the wedding, intending on ripping the child out of Erin, but the Doctor managed to speed up the birthing process, whereby Erin gave birth to the Nostrovite baby naturally. With the vicar having been killed by the Nostrovite, Erin and Kyle agreed to have the wedding at a later date. (ADV: Something Borrowed)

    The Doctor, some time later, took Erin and Kyle to the Coronation of Queen Victoria. However, they soon discovered that much of the Queen's inner circle had been killed and replaced by Slitheen, intent on using the British army, spread all across the empire, to wipe out most life on earth, so they could sell the planet. The Doctor, alongside her companions, managed to foil the plan and keep the Coronation continuing as history planned. (ADV: The Coronation)

    The Doctor, Erin and Kyle arrived at the famed Tranquillity Spa for a spot of rest and relaxation. However, soon the Doctor discovered that the spa was actually a "Fakation" built on a dangerous orphan planet. Setting out in a buggy onto the surface, with a few others from the dome, the group are attacked by monsters, known as Dregs, which they manage to escape from into an old tunnel. However, in the tunnel, the Doctor notices some Russian writing and concludes they are in Earth's far future and the Dregs were mutated human survivors from the climate catastrophe. After she manages to get the teleport working, all of them escaped into the TARDIS to safety. (ADV: Orphan 55)

    While visiting the National Gallery with Danielle and Roger, the Doctor, Erin and Kyle witnessed the Mona Lisa coming to life. However, as she and her companions began to investigate, the Mona Lisa trapped the Doctor, Danielle and Roger inside a painting. However, during this period, Erin and Kyle managed to defeat the Mona Lisa, freeing the Doctor and Erin's parents. (ADV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)

    Deciding to take Erin and Kyle to see Halley's comet in 1986, but getting the year wrong, and ending up at the sighting of the comet in 2062 instead, the Doctor, Erin and Kyle came across a monster called the Isovours attempting to use the comet in order to wipe out all life on Earth and use the planet as their breeding ground. The Doctor managed to instead trap the Isovours inside the comet, and allow it to continue as planned. (ADV: Halley: 2062)

    During a further visit to Danielle and Roger, the Doctor received a call from Jo Jones, who had come across a group of giant maggots again, being reactivated by a different force, than before. After an excursion to Wales, the Doctor came face to face with the Rani, who had taken over the maggots. The group managed to foil the Rani's plan, forcing him to leave Earth and deactivate the maggots. (ADV: The Green Terror)

    The Doctor, Erin and Kyle arrived on a starship that was on a smuggling run, delivering diamonds. The TARDIS team helpe investigate when some of the diamonds went missing, and soon discovered an alien known as a Dreuonian, that had stowed away on the ship and fed off the diamonds. The Doctor soon discovered that the Dreuonian was what was really being smuggled, due to them being very valuable on the black market, but highly illegal. The Doctor, Erin and Kyle rescued the creature and gave it a new home on a far off planet. (ADV: The Smugglers of Doom)

    The TARDIS trio arrived back on Earth and learned that three months ago, a large number of Ood refugees found their way to Earth and were hidden by UNIT, who gave them advanced perception filters to help them filter into the population. The Doctor, Erin and Kyle helped to stop a fascist group known as Earth Defence from hunting down suspected Oods, exposing their true identities and lynch mobbing them. (ADV: Earth Defense Force)

    The Doctor, Erin and Kyle searched for the Infinite, a spaceship also sought by Baltazar. (ADV: The Infinite Quest)

    The Doctor, Erin and Kyle arrived in the stone age, where they soon became involved with a group of cavemen who were trying to make fire, but the fire kept mysteriously going out. The TARDIS team soon discovered a creature known as the Firmoun, who was feeding off the fires being made, the trio eventually defeated the Firmoun, allowing the cavemen to make fire. (ADV: The Stone Age)

    The Doctor, Erin and Kyle investigated the sighting of a nun at a retirement home. There, she met Bea Nelson-Stanley, who she learned had encounters with Sontarans just like her. She was also hiding a key to a portal that allowed the parasitic Gorgons to invade. Though she was nearly made into its new host, The Doctor succeeded in closing the portal and giving the talisman back to Bea as a memento of her deceased husband. (ADV: Eye of the Gorgon)

    Soon after arriving on a SpaceHub in the 52nd century, Erin was captured by a slave trader, but the Doctor and Kyle eventually rescued her. (ADV: The Sale of the Century)

    The TARDIS team next arrived in New York City in 1929, where they became aquatinted with Al Capone and thwarted a plot by the Kroakats to infiltrate the North Side Gang and change history by preventing the Saint Valentines Day Massacre. (ADV: Public Enemy One)

    While on holiday at an amusement park known as Mountain World, in the 1950s, the Doctor, Erin and Kyle discovered that the controllers of the rides were in fact Slitheen in disguise, who planned to kill other humans and replace them. The TARDIS team eventually defeated them. (ADV: Rest & Recreation)

    The Doctor, Erin and Kyle arrived on an Alien planet in the far future, but the Doctor was arrested, as there was footage showing what looked like her assassinating the former President eighteen months ago. The Doctor's name was eventually cleared when it turned out that the Master was actually responsible and had framed the Doctor by using a hologram duplicate of her. The Master was arrested after the Doctor, Erin and Kyle proved that he was responsible. (ADV: Fear Her)

    Not long after, the Doctor, Erin and Kyle were visiting Danielle and Roger, when suddenly a spaceship capable of carrying two people crashed outside. The Doctor learned from a Tiovli Security Officer, named Krennét, that the Master had escaped and was on the loose. After failing to find him, the Doctor, Erin, Kyle and Krennét found the Master holding Danielle, Roger and Lavender hostage and asked that the Doctor take him away to safety, the Doctor refused, and soon found herself, Erin and Kyle being arrested by Benton and several UNIT soldiers after the Master summoned them, claiming that she was a hologram controlled by the Master. After being taken to UNIT HQ, the TARDIS team learned that Benton and UNIT knew the actual truth, and with help from the Doctor, UNIT lured the Master into the pod and sent it off into space. (ADV: The Prisoner)

    After the Climate Change-denying Home Secretary, Oliver Griffiths was kidnapped by a seemingly alien force, Caitrin Ryan asked the Doctor for help. Discovering that the Nestene seemed to be behind events, especially as they'd been using humanity's waste to form the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the Doctor and Kyle found Griffiths imprisoned in the Nestene's underground base. However, when the Doctor asked to speak to the consciousness, she instead came into contact with the Master, who revealed himself to be the mastermind behind the whole operation. The Master went onto activate the Nestene all across the globe and tried to replace Griffiths with an Auton duplicate, but the Doctor managed to foil his plan and destroyed the Nestene, once more. However, as the Doctor and her companions were leaving, Caitrin knocked the Doctor unconscious, revealing herself as having been under the control of the Master, and the Doctor, Erin and Kyle woke up sometime later in a woodland area, with no sign of the TARDIS. (DW: The Poisoned Sea)

    Stranded in the American Civil War

    Finding themselves stranded in September 1864, after the Master stole the TARDIS, the Doctor and her companions became wrapped up in the events of the Battle of Fisher's Hill, part of the American Civil War. The Doctor was soon split up from Erin and Kyle and found herself having taken on the duties of a healer for the Confederates. She used a wide range of tools which she had in her pockets, from the future, to save many of the patients on the battlefield, but in turn, this raised some suspicions amongst the others. After the battle ended, and the Union side won, their army marched into the medical tent, where the Doctor was, as some of the nurses, in a moment of paranoia, claimed to them that the Doctor was a witch, to which she was promptly arrested and loaded onto a back of a cart to be trialled as a witch. (DW: The Battle of Fisher's Hill)

    Three days later, the Doctor arrived in a nearby town, where she was locked in a thieves hole with another accused which called Raleigh. Many hours later, both women were stood trial and found guilty of witchcraft, before being returned to the thieves hole, with their burning set to take place soon. However, while speaking to Raleigh, the Doctor discovered that she did in fact apparate out of nowhere, which caused her to be accused, as Raleigh was, in fact, a time traveller and she landed in the middle of the town when her vortex manipulator malfunctioned. Understanding both of there's impending doom, the Doctor managed to fix the vortex manipulator, teleporting away just as the fire, they were to be burned as was lit, making it look as if the two disapparated into the flames. (DW: The Trial of the Damned)

    Raleigh teleported her and the Doctor onto her ship, in orbit of Earth, where they found it completely empty, with all the crew dead - being killed by a vicious monster, which the Doctor identified as a Blaziel, which still seemed to be on board the ship. Under siege, the Doctor and Raleigh fought off the Blaziel and flushed it out into space, all the while, Raleigh explained to the Doctor that she was a historian from the future, sent back in time to rerecord history more accurately. (DW: The Echo From Tomorrow)

    Teleporting back to Colonial America, albeit several months later than planned, due to a vortex manipulator malfunction, the Doctor and Raleigh arrived in Washington D.C. (DW: The Slave Master) However, before they could make a move, time stood still, as the Doctor found herself face-to-face with a future incarnation, talking to her through a transport hub, telling her that their previous incarnations were being taken out, one by one. The two tracked the threat to Chicago in the 1880s, where they found the enemies base of operations, but with only a single suitcase inside - with figurines of all of their 13 past selves. Realising that someone has been using a time scoop, the two Doctors travelled to the Death Zone, on Gallifrey - before the fall. The Doctors journeyed to the Tomb of Rassilon, where, as the Doctor had guessed, they found Borusa, aiming a staser at them. The future Doctor talked Borusa down and told him that his lust for power was too great, but that she'd free him if he apologised. Borusa ended up breaking down in guilt before the Doctors, as the future Doctor held him in her arms as he let their other incarnations go. Returning her previous self to Civil-War era D.C., the two Doctors said goodbye, however, the future Doctor nearly said something, something of alarm, before stopping herself and affirming that they were a lot of spoilers ahead, before leaving. (MINI: The Emerald Terror)

    As the Doctor and Raleigh walked through D.C., it became clear that they had stumbled into the events of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the end of the Civil War. Seeing this as a great historical moment for Raleigh to observe, the Doctor encouraged her to meet John Booth, Lewis Powell and David Herold. However, the Doctor was soon horrified when she found out that Raleigh had lied to her, and had in fact been sent back in time to prevent the assassination from taking place, and change the course of history forever. The Doctor left Raleigh, in anger, and instead reunited with Erin and Kyle, but found out that the Master was about, from them, as they told the Doctor that the Master was planning to try and restart the Confederate campaign. Foiling the Master's plan, the Doctor took him, prisoner, on board the TARDIS, as, at the same time, Erin persuaded Raleigh to abandon history and let it take its due course. Impressed by Raleigh's actions, the Doctor invited her to join her, Erin and Kyle on board the TARDIS, to which Raleigh accepted, but only as Erin and Kyle decided to stay in 1865 and settle down, especially as Erin revealed that she and Kyle had gotten married and she was pregnant. Giving Erin and Kyle a mobile phone in case they needed to contact her, the Doctor and Raleigh departed in the TARDIS, with the Master locked deep inside. (DW: The Slave Master)

    Travelling with Raleigh

    After their first adventure on an alien planet, the Doctor and Raleigh returned to the TARDIS, having a wonderful time together, before suddenly - midflight- the TARDIS stopped dead, as all the life drained out of the TARDIS. Investigating, the Doctor and Raleigh found themselves split up, wandering the corridors of the TARDIS, as several Vortisaurs managed to break into the ship, and stalked the Doctor through it. Regretfully, in self-defence, the Doctor ended up killing a Vortisaur, before she reunited with Raleigh and managed to get the TARDIS powered up again, before dematerialising. (DW: The Dimensions of Space and Time)

    Arriving in a Scottish mining facility in 2119 at the bottom of a lake, created by a burst dam in the 1980s, the Doctor and Raleigh found the entire crew hiding in a Farady Chamber, hiding from what appeared to be two ghosts trying to kill them. Trying to understand how they could be real, the Doctor investigated, finding strange markings on the inside of a mysterious spaceship, and worked out that it was turning anyone to read them into signal transmitters, sending some sort of message out into space. As the base became flooded, the Doctor and Raleigh became separated, before the Doctor decided to take the TARDIS back in time to the 1970s and find out what happened when the spaceship first crashed. Having materialised in the 1980s, with two other crew members, the Doctor discovered that the cause of the ghosts was from a being called the Fisher King, who's body was being transported on the spaceship, and he created the markings to continue existing as echos. The Doctor defeated the Fisher King by bursting the damn, killing it, and thus created the lake, in a bootstrap paradox. (DW: Under the Lake)

    Travels with Raleigh & Pete

    Investigating several missing persons, by what the Doctor thought was alien means, in 2016, the Doctor and Raleigh, met Pete Fletcher, whom's wife had also disappeared. It turned out that Oliver Griffiths, a now changed man, hell-bent on saving the planet, had been kidnapping people, mainly illegal immigrants, and turning them into Kyrnoids, living planet creatures, to try and balance out the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As Pete saved the day, and the Doctor and Raleigh's lives, his wife didn't make it. Attended Val Fletcher's funeral, the Doctor and Raleigh tried to make a discreet exit, before Pete caught up with them and asked if he'd could come along in the TARDIS, to which the Doctor said it would be her pleasure. (DW: The Greenhouse Effect)

    For Pete's first adventure, the Doctor planned to take her companions to Vuncaria II, but instead, they arrived on a cyberpunk human colony in the far future, as the three soon became embroiled into a heist, by a group of aliens called Kroakets. Trying to bring the Kroakets to justice and stop the heist, the Doctor and her companions succeeded, before returning to the TARDIS where the Doctor found an urgent message from Hogan asking for her immediate help as something was very, very wrong. (DW: Reservoir Frogs)


    Following Hogan's message, the Doctor, Raleigh and Pete landed in London, 3307, where they found the streets deserted. After being kidnapped by a group of survivors, the Doctor was reunited with Amanda and Hogan, who were running a small taskforce after what they called the slow invasion - by the Cybermen. With the Cybermen closing in on them, the Doctor and the survivors managed to escape into the TARDIS, but they were still under heavy attack, with many people dying - until, the Doctor was frozen still, as she saw all the Cybermen's heads being blown off by Zenla, standing proudly in front of her with a laser gun, as Gemma and Caitrin stood with her, side by side. (DW: Remembrance of the Gaians)

    As a shoot-out occurred, with the help of Zenla, Gemma and Caitrin, the Cybermen managed to take control of the TARDIS, with many of the survivors on board. The Doctor, Zenla, Gemma and Caitrin were meanwhile stranded on Earth; however, they had the UNIT Time Machine, which they used to follow the TARDIS. Having changed the outer-energy field of the Time Machine to attract Vortisaurs, the Doctor aimed them at the TARDIS to try and slow it down, arriving at their destination before them - the South Pole in 1986, where the Doctor had first regenerated. Doing her best to dodge her original self, the TARDIS containing the Cybermen and the Master arrived, leading to the Doctor confronting the Master angrily, whereby the Master revealed to her that Raleigh had been working with him the entire time.

    However, before the Doctor could process this, the Cybermen managed to grab hold of her, and injected her with Cyber nano-mites. As the process began, the Doctor's skin started turning to metal and through the intense pain and agony, she became a Cyberman, as a single tear ran down the Doctor's steel face. Fighting through the Cybermen, Zenla managed to get the Doctor into the TARDIS and dematerialised it and then, somewhat randomly, the TARDIS landed them in 1871 outside Erin and Kyle's house, where the Cyber-Doctor wandered out, beckoning them to help.

    Dematerialising the TARDIS again, Zenla managed to pilot it back to 1986, but on Mondas, where the Cyber-Doctor fell to the ground in the snow, as her Time Lord antibodies took over and a golden glow appeared beneath the Cyber-Doctor's eyeholes. Suddenly her armour burst open and the steel went everywhere in an explosion, as it was replaced by a golden bubble of energy, morphing and changing as the Doctor became someone entirely new. (DW: The Third Planet)


    To be added. (DW: The Restoration)


    With a newly invigorated sense of life, the Fourteenth Doctor had a much more optimistic and energetic persona to that of her predecessor. Social normalities were never her speciality, often fumbling and saying things inappropriate to the situation. Despite this, she had a very kind soul and passionately believed in all the values that made up the Doctor.

    While grumpy at times, the Fourteenth Doctor never took it out on others, as her immediate predecessor had done, and instead worked internally to try and fix her own problems.

    Physical Appearance

    To be added.

    Hair and Grooming

    To be added.


    The Fourteenth Doctor’s outfit consisted of a double breasted purple woolen overcoat with wide lapels and a dark coloured funnel neck top. She sometimes had a gold flower pin on the neck of the top.

    Behind the Scenes

    To be added.

    Other Information

    To be added.

    List of Appearances

    Doctor Who

    Doctor Who: Adventures



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