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    What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed?
    (Redirected from Rapture)

    The following article is written from an Out of Universe perspective.

    Rapture was the first episode of Series 4 of Panopticon. It was written by Ronald D. Moore and directed by Douglas Mackinnon.


    It has been three months since Cordale’s identity as a Vex spy was revealed. Since then she has been locked away in the bowels of the citadel, alone, trapped in a cell which stops her from changing form but she’s still scheming and plotting. A distraught Kendara and Will have also been imprisoned but on the Vex mothership, for all this time, but their experiences are somewhat different. Meanwhile, on Gallifrey, the election of the Prime Minister of the Alliance of Planets is slowly arriving, and it could change everything.


    Pryex shoots Leela. Kendara screams out, as Will tries to hold her back, and Leela’s body drops steadily to the ground. Numerous Vex guards gather around the two of them and arrest them, still as Kendara screams, again and again. Pryex turns to Kendara and smiles as she kicks Leela’s body before she transforms into her incorporeal form.

    Three Months Later

    Gregori sits at the end the High Council table, lost in his own thought. Not really paying attention. The Foreign Secretary, Cardinal Goldoth, speaks up, directly asking Gregori something. Gregori snaps to it and asks Goldoth to repeat what he just said, to which he tells Gregori that the polls are strong but he needs the backing of the Cerulean Chapter. Gregori shakes his head, not understanding what Goldoth is talking about, before Goldoth clarifies telling Gregori that the Alliance of Planets Election is coming up, and he is heading up the anti-alliance party, intent on destroying it, as Gregori request. Gregori smiles and tells Goldoth that, even though he is doing very important work with the Alliancespectic party, he nor the Cerulean Chapter can publicly endorse it and instead the Ceruleans will continue to back, and ally towards, the Alliance for Change. Goldoth shoots Gregori a look, extremely unhappy.

    The Rogue sits behind his desk in his office, to the rear of the Panopticon chamber. He opens a transmission with a menacing old woman, wearing a maroon coloured badge reading ‘Vote’. The Rogue smiles and tells the woman that all 621 Prydonian Panopticon Representatives have pledged their support to the Progressive Alliance, and two-thirds of the Alliance candidates are dramatically ahead in the poles. The woman, tells the Rogue, addressing him as First Minister, that he has done good work, and she says that, as Prime Minister of the Alliance of Planets, she will do everything she can to return the favour when the Gallifreyan Election comes. The Rogue thanks her, addressing her as Dramla Vinché, the Prime Minister that the Alliance needs. The Rogue looks to his side, where Francis is sitting, and he tells him that it’s going to be a bitter battle, as Gregori holds a whole lot of influence, at the moment. Francis nods and turns to leave before the Rogue stops him and asks Francis whether any more intelligence about Mr Adams and Kendara has come through. Francis smiles and says he will find out, before exiting the office.

    Murmurs vibrate through the Panopticon, as all the members file in and find their seats. Fassile walks in, sitting on a large golden seat, at the head of the Panopticon. He then speaks, loud and clear, telling the representatives that the First Minister will address the chamber. The members all stand, as the Rogue walks, ceremoniously, into the chamber and steps onto the Ministerial pod, as he addresses the chamber. He tells them that this week is very significant as the Alliance of Planets, which his administration established, will be having their first-ever election, dissolving the provisional government which was led by Vice President Fassile. The Rogue then announces that the conformation that all 6 chapters will be standing in all of Gallifrey’s 89 Alliance seats, and that the final loyalties to the Alliance parties has been announced, with the Prydonians and the Patrex pledging loyalty to Dramla Vinché’s Progressive Alliance, the Ceruleans pledging their loyalty to the Alliance for Change and the remaining three chapters all pledging their loyalties to Cardinal Goldoth’s very own Alliancespectic Party. The Rogue states that although the whip of all 6 chapters has confirmed these allegiances if any member does not want to follow that ruling, they must speak up now. The chamber is deadly silent, before the Rogue smiles and tells the chamber that it’s also important to note that the elected Prime Minister of the Alliance will hold a seat in the High Council, in accordance with the Alliance’s constitution. Some more murmurs are heard, but no-one declares anything.

    The following day, Will wakes up. Even though it’s been three months, he is still shocked to see the surroundings of the Vex mothership. Will looks around at the detailess surroundings before he stands up and his bed disappears into atoms. He walks down the corridor and sees Kendara. He smiles at her, and she approaches him. Kendara says that Pryex has something to say to them, Will gulps, saying that it must be important, since they haven’t had sight of her for a month. Will asks if she knows where they need to go, but Kendara just chuckles saying that she’s a Vex, she’ll just appear out of nowhere when she wants to. Will looks solemn as he contemplates the evil of not just the Vex, but Pryex in particular.

    Gregori strides down a corridor, as he bumps into the Castellan, who stops him, confronting him about Cordale. Gregori flips out at him, in anger, and says that its name should not be uttered in the blessed walls of the Citadel. Castellan Gordra tells Gregori that he and the High Council just want to know what’s happened to her, and why she hasn’t faced public trial. Gregori stars at Gordra for a moment, before asking him to follow him. Gregori takes Gordra down into the prison block at the bowels of the citadel, descending down into the bottom-most levels, both of them undergoing several layers of security. Eventually the two of them reach a cell, where Cordale is sitting, in a straight jacket, covered in dirt and scares. Gordra is shocked by what he sees, as Gregori explains that she’s undergoing interrogation and she will receive a trial on whether she should face Article 6, in due course. Gordra asks Gregori if holding her in such a way is even legal. Gregori smiles and tells him that holding her for interrogation is absolutely in the realm of the law. Gordra asks about the scars, but Gregori tells him that she’s prone to hurting herself. He then says that the cell has been modified to cancel out the effects of the Vex transformation process, so she gets a little restless. Gordra says that she needs to face trial as soon as possible, but Gregori tells him that he doesn’t need to listen to a Prydonian’s point of view, even if he is his Castellan. Gregori then asks Gordra to make his own way out.

    Francis orbits Karn, alone in a small shuttle. He opens a transmission to the Rogue asking for permission to bring Ohila in on the mission to find Adams. The Rogue asks whether he thinks it’ll be of significant help, and Francis nods saying that Ohila and Will Adams have a connection of sorts, and if anyone can find him, she can. The Rogue grants him permission but says that it’s an absolute priority that Adams returns, even if it means abandoning the shabogan child. Francis chuckles and says he’ll keep that in consideration, as he begins the shuttle’s descent into Karn’s atmosphere.

    Will and Kendara are sat on two chairs talking to each other. The chairs, in a slurry of blue energy, disappear, with Will and Kendara falling to the ground, and reconstitute into Pryex, who stands before them. Kendara asks if she’s been there the whole time, and Pryex tells them that she’s always around. Pryex walks towards them, telling Kendara that the body of her mother has been released. Kendara gulps, not quite understanding, after a moment, she asks Pryex why. Pryex says that she made a mistake killing Leela and that she thoroughly regrets it, so she wants to try and apologies to them. While Will is confrontational, Kendara smiles and thanks Pryex, mentioning that Leela’s mission to New Bellons was a grave miscalculation, to which Pryex smiles as Kendara starts slipping intelligence out.

    Gregori opens the door to Cordale’s cell and walks in. She sits there, in her straightjacket as she quivers in fear. Gregori chuckles as she sees the terror on Cordale’s face. She flinches as she sits down next to her. Gregori tells her not to be upset, and that he only wants some information. He just wants to know about the Vex, what exactly are they and where they come from. Cordale still doesn’t speak. Gregori then forcefully pushes his head into the wall, pressing her against it, demanding she tells him. Cordale just quivers. Gregori then stands up and stares at Cordale slowly. She eventually whimpers out ‘no’, as Gregori unbuckles his belt.

    Dramla Vinché stands behind a podium, along with five other people, who a television host introduces as Duo Micklethia, a Poplne and the leader of the Alliance for Change; Cardinal Goldoth, the leader of the Alliancespectic Party; Freemer Galdeen, a human and leader of the Freedom Party; Virya, an Ice Warrior and leader of the Green Party and finally, Naketh, an Ood and leader of the Communist Alliance. In the Rogue’s office, he is watching what’s going on, through a holoscreen, paying very close attention, as the debate begins. Gregori watches on the Presidential box in the audience, as he begins to mutter something. Every time Gregori mutters, Duo Micklethia seems to speak, as it becomes clear, Gregori is feeding Micklethia answers.

    Francis’ shuttle lands in the Outsider’s village, as Presta comes to greet him, however, she is surprised when she sees Ohila also step out. Francis tells Presta that the search for the Vex Mothership, and by extension, Will and Kendara. Presta asks what she can do, and Ohila says if she can have one of Kendra's things then she can see if the sisterhood can summon some sort of psychic connection to locate her. Presta nods and says that she’ll be happy to oblige.

    Fassile joins Gregori in his box, to watch the debate. Gregori greets him cheerfully, as Fassile sits down. Gregori comments on how he should have asked Goldoth to stand down as leader of the party, last year. Fassile chuckles and says that would be nice, but that Gregori may have forgotten that he didn’t have to appoint Goldoth to the High Council. Gregori holds up his hands and says that the constitutional quirk that allowed him to become Lord President required a mix of all the chapters, and as such Goldoth, as one of the few sane politicians in the Scendeles Chapter was appointed. Fassile laughs though and says that when they win the election, in a few months, they won’t have to worry about the likes of him. Gregori says that it’s lucky Goldoth doesn’t stand a chance at winning the Alliance election, however, it is a top priority that Duo Micklethia wins, or under Dramla Vinché, the Prydonians will receive special treatment, which could cause them the election. Fassile nods, saying that Gregori is quite right.

    Kendara and Will look over at the body of Leela. Kendara looks uneasy, as tears flood down from her eyes, before she throws up, to the side. Will holds her gently, as she continues crying. Will tells Kendara that it’s up to her what the Vex do with the body. Kendara manages to muster out, through the tears that she wants it sent back to Gallifrey. At that moment, Pryex appears and says that it will be done, as Leela’s body dissipates with Pryex. 

    The Rogue watches the end of the debate in his office and has a huge smile on his face. He leaves the office and walks up into the Presidential Wing of Sector 1, where he stands outside Gregori’s office. He opens the door and sees it empty, figuring Gregori hasn’t arrived yet. The Rogue chuckles and sits behind the desk.

    Gregori and Fassile exit the Presidential box, as Gregori looks furious. Fassile says that it’ll all be alright, and the right candidate will win. Gregori says that he just wishes there was someone better than Micklethia to go against Vinché. Gregori says it’s a shame Goldoth has got too much of a mind of his own, and nowhere near enough support. Gregori then asks Fassile to go to his office and get a line through to Drarvis Gamma. Fassile looks sheepish, as Gregori realises, that as a Bellonsion that might be difficult. Gregori tells Fassile that the Alliance is all about putting that conflict behind, and he should be open-minded. Fassile nods and makes to leave, before turning and asking Gregori where he is going. Gregori chuckles and says he has some business to attend to.

    Fassile makes his way up to the Lord’s President’s office, whereby he is approached by Goldoth. He asks Fassile to try and persuade Gregori to get the Ceruleans to back his party. Fassile tells Goldoth that while he doesn’t like the thought of the Ceruleans backing Micklethia, as a Bellonsion, he thinks that Goldoth’s personal views on breaking up the Alliance are far worse, as the Alliance has done a lot of good over the last few years, especially for his species. Fassile then adds that he doesn’t get what Gregori sees in him and that he better watch his back, as he can’t see him staying in the High Council much longer. Goldoth glares at Fassile, bitter, before storming off. Fassile then walks into the Lord President’s office - coming face to face with the Rogue, sitting behind Gregori’s desk, grinning widely.

    Francis loads several of Kendara’s belongings into the shuttle, with Ohila to take back to Karn. However, Pryex appears in front of them, alerting the whole village. Francis draws a staser pistol, as the Outsiders draw their makeshift weapons. Pryex tells them to be calm, and that she is there on Will Adams’ and Kendara’s request. Francis asks where they are, but Pryex moves on just saying that Kendara has asked for something to be returned, as Leela’s body appears in midair, and falls flat onto the ground, and Pryex disappears. Presta looks down at the body, in shock and gulps, crying out. 

    Gregori straps up Cordale’s straightjacket, as he fastens his belt up. Cordale looks dead inside as she just lies motionless on the cold metal slab she has as a bed. Gregori asks her if she’ll tell him anything now, but Cordale remains silent. Gregori unfastens his belt again but is stopped as Cordale says, that the Vex are what they will become, what everyone will become, the next step of evolution. She whispers that the Vex are from another realm. Gregori kisses her and says ‘Well Done’, before he leaves. A single tear rolls down Cordale’s face.

    The Rogue tells Fassile that he deeply regrets saving his life. Fassile sits down in front of the desk and says that he really does appreciate it, and that he has nothing against him personally, but Gregori is a very old friend. The Rogue tells him that Gregori is a vicious manipulator, to which Fassile asks ‘and you aren’t?’.

    A television presenter says that it’s polling day, as Gregori observes it on a holoscreen the following day. The presenter says that there are 89 seats up for grabs in the Alliance’s parliament and that when voting the ballot will read, for example, ‘The Prydonian Candidate for the Progressive Alliance’. The presenter adds that due to the nature of the alliance loyalties and pacts, each individual candidate is more important than ever, due to the fact multiple candidates for the parties, representing different chapters, will be standing in each seat, and he urges Gallifreyans to vote with their hearts. Gregori turns off the holoscreen and laughs, saying ‘the hell they will’.

    The Rogue walks out of a polling station and is approached by the cameras. A reporter asks who he voting for, and he says that he isn’t legally obliged to publicly admit that but he says it he doesn’t think anyone would be too surprised at his choice. Another reporter asks if Dramla Vinché wins the election, will she be pledging her support towards the Rogue presidential campaign. The Rogue says that is up to her, but he says he thinks she’ll be very busy if elected. 

    On Karn, Ohila and Francis stand over Leela’s body as the sisterhood join hands and begin chanting, trying to track the source of where Leela’s body came from. The chant intensifies as the sisterhood channel their powers. Eventually, the sisterhood all stop, and Ohila walks out into the shuttle, decisively. Francis asks what she’s doing and Ohila says she has the location and she’s going to find Will. Francis gets aboard the shuttle and says that they better go then, as the shuttle takes off.

    Gregori opens the door to his office whereby, the Rogue walks in. Gregori is taken aback not expecting to see him. The Rogue explains that he tried to see him the other day but he wasn’t in, however, the Rogue does explain he had a lovely chat with the Acting Vice President. Gregori looks surprised, as the Rogue realised Fassile didn’t tell him. Gregori asks what the Rogue is doing there, and the Rogue says that he’s still First Minister and he has a duty to report back to the Lord President. Gregori sits behind the desk and asks the Rogue to ‘spit it out’. The Rogue says that his people have got a positive trace on the whereabouts of Will Adams and Kendara, and thus the Vex Mothership. Gregori smirks, looking reluctantly impressed. He asks the Rogue to pass the information onto him. The Rogue refuses, saying that if the Vex get taken down, it’ll be his achievement and he will use it to political advantage, not Gregori. Gregori says that the Rogue is very clever, and the Rogue thanks him, he just says he wanted to let him know. The Rogue pauses for a moment before telling Gregori that he originally came in though just to gloat. Gregori is confused, but then the Rogue says that it’s almost a certainty that Dramla Vinché is going to win. Gregori snarks back that he’ll see about that. The Rogue says that he’ll have to be quick as the polls close in 4 hours, as the Rogue checks his watch.

    Francis’ shuttle approaches a large spaceship. Inside, Ohila is piloting it, with her eyes closed, as she is being guided by the powers of the sisterhood. Francis tells her that they are there and asks if she knows where exactly Will and Kendara are.

    Inside, Pryex appears to Will and Kendara and tells them that Leela has been returned. Kendara says that she’s very glad she fulfilled her promise because it might just very well be their salvation. Pryex asks what Kendara means and Kendara just says to look out of a window - before she says that they might have to constitute one from pure Vex energy first, but they’ll be in for a surprise.

    Gregori sits in Cordale’s cell, stroking the side of her body, slowly. In front of him, a holoscreen showing the election coverage. He speaks to Cordale about the amount of trouble she has caused him. Cordale remains silent once more. Then in the election studio, the presenter announces that the results of the exit poll are in, and they have a projected winner. The Rogue sits in his office, watching vigilantly; so is Fassile, and Goldoth and several other members of the High Council. They all react at the same time as the project winner is announced as the Progressive Alliance, led by Dramla Vinché with a projected lead of just under 1,000 seats, ahead of the Alliance for Change. The Rogue celebrates, knowing that getting the Alliance Prime Minister onside will be a big step towards winning the Presidency back. Gregori looks stone-faced, not quite believing it, understanding the blow it will be to the campaign. Then - Cordale begins laughing. Laughing and laughing and laughing. Gregori strikes her, hitting her back - but - Cordale uses the force he pushes onto her to unbuckle her straightjacket, and she makes for the door. Gregori grabs onto her, pulling her back, but she manages to shift it ajar - thus allowing her to reconstitute into her incorporeal form, as she disappears - into the outer world - to wreak havoc. Gregori looks horrified as he realises what’s happened.



    Memorable Quotes

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    Background Information


    • Ronald D. Moore began drafting the storylines for the fourth series of Panopticon, while still working on Caprica. Series 3 was in production, and therefore Moore worked with Behr to align both series and make sure arcs and character worked cohesively throughout. Moore loved the idea of the Vex, and it was his decision to make them the main villain of the rest of the show, as they were originally intended just to last the third series.


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    • The rape and abuse storyline around Cordale caused, what could only be described as, mass-uproar amongst both critics and general audiences, and in response Moore issued a statement the evening after broadcast saying: "Panopticon is not intended for the same family audience as Doctor Who and it's main focus is, and always has been, putting real-life modern day issues into a fantastical setting and seeing how the characters react. Gregori is an evil, evil man and if he were in the real world - if he were President of the United States, then he'd absolutely abuse his power in this way, it has happened before... This doesn't mean you have to watch if you don't want to, but absolutely do not discount it as sensationalism. What the crew shot was actually more graphic than what was aired, but we made the consciousness decision to let the emphasis be on the two characters of Cordale and Gregori, more so. Those who are suggesting that we've just added in this storyline for ratings purposes are simply just incorrect, as Panopticon has brillaint ratings and the show is truly a credit to both the BBC and CBS!"

    Story Notes

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    Home Video Releases

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